Saturday, October 11, 2008

iPhone development - Objective-C

Recently have started a new project to develop the application for the Apple IPhone. This new project had give me a new chance to explore on other platform instead of J2me development. In order to develop the application for Iphone, you need the Mac os machine and install the IPhone SDK(XCode). The XCODE is the IDE including all the tool you need(the IDE + emulator + debugger + signing tool) to develop the IPhone app. It quite developer friendly and provide all the documentation for new developer to begin their development.There also got the video tutorial for you to start learning this platform. If you have experience on C/C++ programming or cocoa programming,you will be more comfortable to pickup their tool in iphone development.

You can find out most the info to develop the app at:

Along my PC life,this will be my first time to using the Mac OS and had impressed by their straight forward system environment(their icon dashboard) and the smooth navigation,program switching/load and their multi touch techology in their touch pad(I am using the Macbook Pro). I like the fast booting and shutdown speed compare to window OS which take the longer time.

I am still exploring the development tool and get familiar with objective-c programming....hope can pick up more faster and come out the prototype soon..


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