Wednesday, August 10, 2005

GTA(Unrealmind) Dismiss

it was been 3 month didn't update on my blog and lack of some update of my current state..just want to do a remark again :D

This post is make after the GTA team in Unrealmind was dismiss and restructure to the small R&D team cause by changing of company business plans and direction.Yap,it my second job which just work for 3 months time..It quite a surpise and disappointed that company willing to drop the game development after the team is estabish & grow till certain level. Maybe the game development willn't easy to accept as the main income for a this company,they have choice to make more money on short period.But my chance and hope to deeply involve on game development in this local pioneer mobile game development team is gone to end....btw,It was lucky to know the all GTA teammate and work together with them.

here is few blog post from GTA members:

Thanks and all the best to ex-GTA members!!


At Friday, 19 August, 2005, Blogger David said...

Yah man, its sad. Nvm, Im pretty sure youll be able to do what u want soon:)

At Wednesday, 24 August, 2005, Blogger nskoon83 said...

Money do the talking man. when the dept cant generate great income, it's all over man. Busniess people juz talk to money, not interests on the field like u guys(GTA) do. Technical & Business will never have an "=" in terms of lots lots issue.


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